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The Tab Press is the Publication Ministry of The Tab and all of Pastor Timothy James Ferrill’s books. Here is a list of current Tab Press publications for purchase.


First - Steps


What's the meaning of life?  Why am I here?  Where is significance in life found? What's my purpose?



This book is for every person who feels and believes they ae "Unworthy."  Unworthy of love, acceptance, or approval.

New Birth

$ 5.00

“New Birth” is designed to assist you in your search for significance, purpose, and meaning in life. The life you have only dreamed about living begins when you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and experience the “New Birth.”

The Victorious Life

$ 10.00

“The Victorious Life” is designed to assist you in overcoming every obstacle in life. You were created to conquer, designed to win, and made to overcome every trial, temptation, turmoil, and trouble in life. Pastor Tim shares how you can begin defeating your enemies and begin living, “The Victorious Life.”'

Live Life Big

$ 10.00

“Live Life Big” is designed to assist you in living life to its fullest. If you desire to make an impact with your life and to leave a lasting legacy in the hearts of every person who knows you this book is for you. Pastor Tim shares 12 Exhortations on how you can Live Life Big.

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